A loan helped to purchase a vending cart for fast food.

Kenin Alexander's story

Kenin is 21 years old, is in a common-law marriage, and has a one-year-old daughter. He also has a stepchild for whom he cares with the same responsibility. He lives in a rented house which is divided among other relatives.

Kenin does not have a higher education, he barely has a primary-school education. He has an adapted tricycle with which he works selling chopped fruit, and he also has a fast food stand outside a school where he his mother used to sell before she became ill.

This loan will help him to purchase fast food vending cart, adapted for the sale of salchipapas [French fries with sausages], with which he will be able to work more comfortably. His goal for the future is to have a permanent retail space for selling fast food.

Kenin is very young but has a great sense of responsibility and wants to be able to offer his family a good quality of life.

Translator profile picture

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Wendy H.

This loan is special because:

It aims to reach vulnerable refugee populations in an isolated region.

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