A loan helped a member to purchase farm inputs and mechanized services.

Tagdeei Group's story

Tagdeei farmer group consists of 44 farmers located in the Tusani community of the Northern Region in Ghana. Over 72.73%, are females. The group primarily cultivates legumes and cereals and is seeking a Kiva loan to support their farming activities. The group recognizes the value of modern techniques to improve crop production and understands the potential for growth and prosperity by investing in high-quality seeds, chemicals, and fertilizer.

The group's goal is to see their farms flourish not only for themselves and their families but also as a source of sustenance and livelihood for their community. Each group member farms on 1 acre of land annually but faces the challenge of a lack of capital to pay for inputs and agricultural services. This lack of funding results in decreased yield and lower household income. Mutawakil, the group leader, is a lead farmer. Under guidance the group always works closely to get higher yields at each season. The loan includes other group members beyond just the group leader featured in the picture.

If granted, this loan will provide up to GHS 724 for each group member (or up to GHS 31,856 for the entire group). It will help support the farmers, especially the female farmers, in accessing farm inputs and mechanization services.

In this group: Mariama , Karim Amama , Anna , Sana , Sanatu , Zeliga , Latifa , Ikmatu , Sana , Laminu , Arahamatu , Fati , Fati , Shei , Abibata , Salimatu , Sana , Kadija , Mutawakil , Zenabu , Abdul- Karim , Nurudeen , Afishetu , Fati , Laminatu , Ruhiya , Suweiba , Arishetu , Hawabu , Kwame , Wumbei , Sugri , Amina , Kojo , Hamdia , Issahaku , Zenabu , Issahaku , Rahinatu , Mayama , Karim , Rufai , Sana , Sharifa

This loan is special because:

It helps small-scale farmers increase yields to improve their income and household nutrition.

Loan details

Lenders and lending teams

Loan details