A loan helped a member to buy drinks, bread, fruits, tinned goods, meat, cleaning products and more goods in bulk.

Tacuati Poty Centro Group's story

This loan group is on its fifth loan cycle as part of the women's committee programme. All of the members have the set goal of growing, not just financially but as people, too, so that they can all offer a better future to their families. The women work together, supporting each other with everything that they need, in order to move forward as a real team.

Nelly Pablina is one member of the group who contributes to her family through her sales. Nelly is a hard-working woman who makes sacrifices to help ensure that her loved ones do not need for anything.

Nelly has a shop where every day from early in the morning she sells all types of quality products at good prices to her customers.

Nelly is applying for this loan in order to buy a variety of products to stock up her business. She will buy drinks, bread, fruits, tinned goods, meat, cleaning products and more goods in bulk to stock up and offer her customers the best goods.

In this group: Zulma Ramona, Sixta, Liz Violeta, Dominga, Sandra Carina, Marta, Ana Maria, Eugenia, Gisselli, Fabiana, Petrona, Veronica, Graciela, Mercedes, Ermelinda, Raquel, Cirila, Felipa, Eva Marilyn, Leticia, Maura, Jacinta, Adelaida, Aureliana, Eva Duarte, Benita, Nelly Pablina, Maria Mercedes, Wilma Raquel, Julia, Esmeralda

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Iain Gaw.

This loan is special because:

It includes a basic health insurance plan.

Loan details

Lenders and lending teams

Loan details