A loan helped to buy merchandise such as blouses, jackets, jeans, shirts, and t-shirts in order to offer different designs that meet the current styles.

Jose Luis's story

José is 38 years old. He is very humble and hard-working. He lives with his family in the city of Ibarra, in the province of Imbabura, a sector whose economic focus is commerce, tourism, and gastronomy.

José began working as a dealer in clothing for women, men, and children, an activity that he has been doing for 10 years with the goal of having economic income and helping [to pay] his own expenses as well as those of his family.

José is applying for a loan for the purchase of merchandise such as blouses, jackets, jeans, shirts, and t-shirts in order to offer different designs that meet the current styles and the tastes of each one of his customers, so that his sales increase.

José is very grateful for the help that Kiva offers him, since the income that he is going to generate will help to improve his quality of life.

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Pam McMurry.

This loan is special because:

It focuses on the poorest one-fifth of the population with no access to financial services.

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