A loan helped a member to use her portion of this loan to buy more soft drinks, sugar, salt, cooking oil, and rice.

Abizeranye Cb Group's story

Faina is a 38-year-old widowed mother of four children who are aged between 4 and 18 years. For the past two years, she has owned a grocery store.

She is also the leader of the group called Abizeranye CB, which in English means “People who have trusted each other.” Group members sell different items and own a variety of businesses.
Faina hopes to use her portion of this loan to buy more soft drinks, sugar, salt, cooking oil, and rice customer demand within her community. She plans to use her profits to pay school fees for her children, and to expand her business in different communities.

Faina is thankful for your support.

Note: The photo is of Faina, the group leader, who is representing the group.

In this group: Aisha, Celestin, Jean, Zainabo, Faina, Jean, Alice, Enias, Olive, Jean, Immaculee, Jacqueline, Viateur, Francois, Betty, Apophia, Joselyne, Alexis, Emmanuel, Alice, Divine, Jeanne, Emmanuel, Fulgence, Vincent, Claude, Cyprien, Pascaline, Madeleine

This loan is special because:

It provides financial opportunities to riskier Rwandan entrepreneurs who rely on social collateral.

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Lenders and lending teams

Loan details