A loan helped a member to buy cans of palm oil and lemon juice.

Manguiline Kadiamor Group's story

This group was set up at the same time as the banc villageois in 2002. It consists of women living in the same village who are mainly involved in selling. The group’s representative is Madame Khadidiatou who is on the right of the photo with her hand raised. She is a widow looking after her 3 small boys. She is in the business of selling lemon juice and palm oil. She gets her supplies from the surrounding villages and resells them in the capital: this business has been running for several years. She will use the profits to cover her small children’s school costs, but also to support them more generally and boost her savings.

In this group: Maimouna, Meta, Aida, Leontine, Khady, Dialika, Sarata, Scholastique, Khadidiatou, Fanseyni, Clementine, Bintou, Albertine, Augustine, Ceraphine, Jeanne, Mariama, Awa, Kadiataou, Oulimata, Fatou, Saly, Romelie, Aïssatou, Penda

Translated from French by Kiva volunteer Paul Wardle.

This loan is special because:

It empowers women in rural and suburban Senegal.

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