A loan helped to buy livestock to expand her animal husbandry business and sell more dairy products to her customers.

Ashuroy's story

Ashuroy is 39 years old and lives in the Khuroson region. This region has a good climate for agriculture. Ashuroy has been living here for a long time. She is married and has four children. Her husband works for the communal services of her village.

Ashuroy has been raising cattle for nine years. She buys young calves, fattens them for some months, and then transports them to be sold. Her husband helps her in this business. The purpose of this loan is to develop her livestock business. Ashuroy plans to increase her livestock headcount and thus improve her family's quality of life. She hopes for your help. You can support her right now!

This loan is special because:

It supports the well being of women and their families.

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