A loan helped to buy glucometer strips, paracetamol, alcohol, bandages, hydrogen peroxide, lotion, aspirin, shots, IV kits.

Silvia Liceth's story

Silvia Liceth and her family live in the city of Portoviejo which was affected by the earthquake on April 16, 2016. It is a city rich in the production of vegetables, legumes and tropical fruits for domestic consumption.

Silvia Liceth works as a nursing assistant and also goes to her patients' homes to administer IVs, give injections, and perform glucose tests. She also works in hospitals and health centers, sometimes working night shifts. Silvia Liceth also sells over the counter medicine from her home.

She is requesting this loan to buy glucometer strips, paracetamol, alcohol, antiseptic solution, bandages, hydrogen peroxide, lotion, aspirin, shots, IV kits, etc.

Translator profile picture

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Nathalia Vásquez.

This loan is special because:

It is accompanied by useful, real-life business training.

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