A loan helped a member to buy a variety of food, personal use, and cleaning products to increase the inventory of her convenience store.

Mujeres Unidas El Tumbador Group's story

Many women who participate in the Microcrédito Plus Program for loans, training, and health from Puente de Amistad are empowering themselves and getting ahead. That is the case of thirty-year-old Nancy. She is the married mother of a four-year-old son. Unfortunately, Nancy didn't finish her college education, but she occasionally works as a teacher. She has been taking care of her home.

To generate income, she opened a store four years ago to sell items of daily consumption. She rents a locale close to her house and her husbands tends the business.

At this time, Nancy is asking for a Kiva loan to make her business more stable. With the capital, she plans to buy items of daily consumption, beverages, and snacks. In the future, she plans on owning her own locale to avoid paying rent, and on investing in her son's education.

Nancy is the secretary of this Puent de Amistad communal bank, which is named “Mujeres Unidas El Tumbador”. They are seven women who live in the department/state of San Marcos. Some of them sell food like tortillas and cow's milk. Other run small stores selling items of daily consumption and catalog products. Nancy and the other women look forward to the monthly meetings when they participate in the educational sessions that provide them with vital information about four topics: health, family, women's issues, and business. For Nancy, the subject of how to invest her loan is useful.

The Kiva loans, in association with Puente de Amistad, play a vital role in the lives of these women.

In this group: Enma Mercedes , Norma Yaneth , Glendi Judit , Yuri Aracely , Blanca Marina , Dunan Celeste , Nancy Lisbeth

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Ellen Donohue.

This loan is special because:

Clients receive in-depth trainings on business, health, over-indebtedness, and self-esteem.

Loan details

Lenders and lending teams

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