A loan helped to create a sensory space for individuals with disabilities and community training hub.

Vanna's story

My diverse career began as a special education teacher in Nashville, TN. I have excelled in roles including teaching, professorship, academic coordination, and intervention. My exceptional dedication led to recognition for boosting students' academic growth in Nashville.

In 2018, I became a leader in exceptional education in a major Tennessee school district. I am known for my innovative use of the continuous improvement model to narrow achievement gaps and enhance inclusion services for students with disabilities.

My leadership, guided by values like integrity and service, sets me apart. I holds degrees from Tennessee State University and Trevecca Nazarene University, has authored a notable book, and actively contributes to my community through volunteer and fundraising efforts with various organizations.

My journey exemplifies a dedicated leader in the field of exceptional education, driven by a commitment to positive change and community engagement.

My motivations and passion for my business is in honor of a special needs teacher from Greenwood, Mississippi, the remarkable Katie, who was called home in 2017, Southern Angels Comprehensive Support Group was established on November 14, 2018, in Nashville, TN.

Our organization stands as a testament to her legacy, dedicated to educating, motivating, and inspiring individuals with disabilities while illuminating the lives of their families. Since its inception, Southern Angels has achieved a groundbreaking entrepreneurial success, positively impacting the lives of those it serves.

This loan is special because:

It supports a small business owner with 0%-interest, zero-fee capital.

Loan details

About Southern Angels: Exceptional Ed. Consulting

Industry: Education
Years in operation: More than 5 years
Website: southernangelscomprehensive.com


Lenders and lending teams

Loan details