A loan helped to create an art therapy lounge and gallery to offer people a safe space to create and heal.

Lisa's story

I have Multiple Sclerosis and have been using art to heal my own disability and work through issues of depression and anxiety. Through my own personal journey, I've worked with so many amazing women, men and kids, and have been enlightened by their stories. I want to give back and opening this art lounge and creative space, I will be able to fulfill my dream of doing that.

I've dealt with many obstacles in life growing up with extreme antisemitism and prejudice. I was ashamed to admit who I was and where I came from as a Jewish girl in the South. Now with a disability that affects my central nervous system and mental health, I have a new set of obstacles to navigate through.

I look forward to contributing to others lives as an Art Therapy Facilitator and by giving people a place to exhibit their emotions and feelings through art

This loan is special because:

It supports a small business owner with 0%-interest, zero-fee capital.

Loan details

About Leah Devora Pop Art

Industry: Arts
Years in operation: More than 5 years
Website: Leahdevora.com


Lenders and lending teams

Loan details