A loan helped purchase cell phones and accessories.

Maria Dolores's story

Maria lives in Corinto, a department of Morazan; she is 33 years old and lives with her husband Victor Alfonso who works as an electrician. She has 2 children, Eliseo who is 11 and Ariela who is 2 years old. Maria has a business selling cell phones and accessories for a year now, an idea that arised from the need to help her husband with income for the home and to create more favorable conditions for her children. Business hours are from 7AM to 5PM. She actually needs to purchase the phones and accessories to stock the showcase since she needs to be up to date with the newest in the market; which is why she request a $500.00 (USD) loan to make the investment.
Her objective is to stock the business and attract clients with more merchandise and newer styles. Working daily, she hopes to remain as a merchant and generate a better future for her family.

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer anonymized.

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