A loan helped a member to buy ice cream, cones, toppings, among others.

Kuña Katupyry Group's story

The Kuña Katupyry group is in its 4th cycle of the women's committee program, where everyone helps each other to be able to improve and get ahead, and to be able to give their loved ones better living conditions. Within them, Mrs. Vicenta stands out. She is married and mother of a family.
Vicenta is dedicated to sales. She has an ice cream shop where she works every day offering her customers all kinds of ice cream flavors. Her purpose is to continue improving and with this to continue helping to support her home and her family.
She requests this loan to purchase various products for sale, such as ice cream, cones, toppings, among others, to be able to continue selling as she has been doing.
She comments that she fights for her children, to be able to give her children everything that she could not have and that they do not go through needs or deprivations of any kind.
Note: the children in the photo are children of the members of the group.

In this group: Edith Pablina, Tania Celeste, Lilian Petronila, Maria Margarita, Mariela Beatriz, Gabriela, Francisca Jorgelina, Mirna Raquel, Vicenta, Carolina Andrea, Jessica Maria, Candida Zunilda, Basilia Pamela, Olga Catalina, Maria Laura, Gloria Ramona, Maria Elena, Maria Leticia, Etelvina, Yessica Noemi, Cirila Isabel, Blanca Michell, Katherine, Yessica Ayelen, Silvia, Maria Liz, Blanca Celina, Mariana, Erika Mabel, Eusebia

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Timothy Llewellyn-Davies.

This loan is special because:

It includes a basic health insurance plan.

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