A loan helped to pay for the education costs of his son.

Enrique Eddie's story

Due to high university fees, Enrique is requesting this loan so that his son Santiago can continue his undergraduate degree. Santiago lives with his parents and is the oldest child. He is studying Mechanical Engineering at the Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú.

He chose this degree because it has a lot of different business options, which gives him the opportunity to work in or start new businesses. He studies for several hours every week, and once he graduates he wants to work in something related to design and energy, such as turbomachinery.

However, his biggest obstacle is financial, as the university fees are very high and many times his family cannot make the payments on time. Therefore, Enrique is requesting this Kiva loan so that Santiago can continue with his degree, become a great professional and support his community in the long run.

Santiago is very happy with the opportunity and promises to keep up his good academic and professional performance. He says: "My family and I are very grateful with you. I hope that this program can reach more students who want to achieve their dreams and goals. This program helps many youth with their education".

Translator profile picture

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Nathalia Vásquez.

This loan is special because:

It helps low-income students ensure their studies continuity and attain top-notch degrees and jobs in their field.

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