A loan helped a member to buy sheets and shoes.

Mame Fatou Rosso Sénégal Group's story

Madam Awa Fall is married and the mother of four children, including three daughters. She is a vendor of shoes and bedding.

Awa plans to use this loan to stock up on merchandise at the weekly markets, where she will later resell her wares again.

The income from her activity will allow her to fund her children's education.

In this group: Oumou, Fama Nar, Astou, Awa Fall, Awa, Khady, Geneviéve, Mbengué, Fabinta , Awa Adama, Diama, Ndack, Fatou, Faty, Atta

Translated from French by Kiva volunteer Rebecca Smith.

This loan is special because:

It empowers women in rural and suburban Senegal.

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