A loan helped to finance a solar electric system.

Soluz Honduras's story

Soluz Honduras is a supplier of solar electric systems with a branch office in La Ceiba, Honduras. Angela is the store manager. She promotes solar electric systems financed by Kiva.

This loan is to finance the development and demonstration of a new line of solar electric systems for small businesses. The solar electric system shown in the photo with Angela was installed in the store in La Ceiba to reduce the electric bill and to serve as a practical demonstration for small business owners who could be interested in acquiring a solar electric system.

The cost of electricity from the national utility to power computers, refrigerators, and air conditioning is very expensive. The solar panels generate electricity from the sun during the daytime to reduce the electric bill.

A solar electric system emits no CO2, thereby helping to mitigate climate change.

This loan is special because:

It helps small businesses save money and energy through solar power systems.

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