A loan helped to pay school fees for her children.

Jackline's story

In the bustling town of Eldoret, Jackline, a dedicated smallholder farmer, tends to her crops with unwavering determination. Despite facing challenges, Jackline has acquired valuable experience over the years, learning the ins and outs of farming.

As a married mother with children in school, Jackline understands the importance of education in shaping her children's future. However, the burden of school fees weighs heavily on her family's finances. Seeking a loan to cover these expenses, Jackline is determined to ensure that her children receive the education they deserve.

Her hard work on the farm and her commitment to her family's well-being make Jackline a deserving candidate for support. With the loan, she aims to empower her children with the education they need to succeed in life and contribute positively to their community.

This loan is special because:

It helps children stay in school with money for tuition fees.

Loan details

Lenders and lending teams

Loan details