A loan helped to purchase embryos to improve the breed of feedlot pigs.

Vicente Fernando's story

Vicente Fernando is 45 years old. He lives with his partner and has two children who are fourteen and seven years old. Vicente's wife is a homemaker. They live in Colon Parish in Portoviejo Canton. The area is an excellent agricultural area because of the hardworking residents who dedicate themselves to farm work and raising animals.

Vicente is a hard-working man who looks for ways to earn a living, which he uses to to get his family ahead. In spite of country life being very difficult due to a lack of resources, Vicente gets his family ahead through hard work.

Vicente earns his living raising feedlot pigs. He has some breeding pigs that he wants to genetically inseminate to improve his pigs' breed. That is why he is requesting a loan, so he can improve the quality of the piglets and his production. Once the pigs give birth to the piglets, Vicente raises them for a while and then sells the young pigs or fattens them and sells them to traders who come to the area.

This loan is for the purchase of embryos to improve the breed of feedlot pigs.

Translator profile picture

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Marni Siegal.

This loan is special because:

It helps farmers adapt to a changing climate.

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