A loan helped to buy mineral fertilizers.

Ilhom's story

Ilhom is a polite and straightforward man from Istaravshan, Tajikistan. He was born in 1980 and lives with his family. He has a loving father and two children.

In order to provide for his family, he decided to be engaged in cultivation. Now he is a highly-experienced businessman, who sells his harvest of potatoes in bulk to his customers. For 20 years he has worked hard in this sphere and is a respected and honest man among the local citizens.

Ilhom is asking for a loan for the first time. He will use it for buying mineral fertilizers in order to improve the soil and get a better harvest. In this way, he can expand the business and increase his income. He hopes that you will support his entrepreneurial activity.

This loan is special because:

It supports low-income farmers while minimizing interest payments.

Loan details

Lenders and lending teams

Loan details