A loan helped scale a Latina woman-owned venture that makes ancient grain snacks inspired by the Mexican Alegrias.

Seena's story

I grew up in Mexico with a multicultural family, with my dad being Mexican from a Syrian/Egyptian origin and an American mom that moved to Mexico. I studied a 5 year culinary arts degree at a liberal arts university, and my main love and focus have been food and culture. I always look for the relationship that food has with history, the arts, and the humanities in general. I worked on many projects in food and media, such as TV, magazines, and newspapers, always talking about the meaning and symbolism of food.

Find a quick link to some of my work in English (abc27): https://youtu.be/De5t39K3ibw?si=qgSG-4CWmTyuQVLD and in spanish (VME TV PBS in Spanish). https://youtu.be/23imitypebU?si=k9k2B8kaeM7eqrAA \n

My whole life I have been wanting to have my own food company and manufacture a product. After years of wanting to recreate my favorite childhood snack called alegrias i finally was able to do it during the pandemic. With Paktli I have fullfilled that dream and I am also including my love for food and culture.

This loan is special because:

It supports a small business owner with 0%-interest, zero-fee capital.

Loan details

About Paktli Foods

Industry: Food
Years in operation: 3 years - 5 years
Website: paktlifoods.com


Lenders and lending teams

Loan details