A loan helped she'll buy meat, chicken, basic grains, fruits, vegetables, and other items to continue growing her investment.

Estela Del Socorro's story

Estela is a hard-working woman with her own business. She's 39, the mother of four children, and lives with her husband, who works as a security guard.

She started out five years ago with small bank loans and money from her husband, and managed to grow her food business, which includes tortillas and cooked beans.

Lately Estela has begun to invest more, working with Afodenic, with its low interest rates. She'll buy more meat, chicken, basic grains, vegetables, and fruits to expand variety and attract more customers. She'll also buy corn to make tortillas, and some firewood. She hopes to bring in better profits so she can pay her debts.

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer anonymized.

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