Maryury Ramonita is 49 years old. She is in a common law marriage and has two children, both of whom are grown.
Her husband is a farmer. They live in La Cuesta, in the town of Santa Ana. It is a place of agricultural excellence, with hardworking people who are dedicated to agricultural work and raising animals.
Maryury is a very hardworking woman. She and her husband seek a way to get ahead. Life in the countryside is very difficult, as they lack basic services. However, they try to continue on with their difficult but honest work.
They work raising chickens and farming. They have several hectares planted with cacao. They hope to improve their crops genetically in order to improve the quality of their production.
They will use organic fertilizers and insecticides. They are currently implementing a hybrid crop, which they hope will improve their production very soon. This loan is to buy organic fertilizers and pesticides to improve their production.
Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Laurie Hiller. View original language description.