A loan helped to stock more medicine for dispensing.

John's story

Meet John, a seasoned entrepreneur hailing from Ruiru, Kenya. At 45 years old, John is a dedicated husband with no children, devotedly supporting his family. With a heart for business and a passion for serving his community, John operates a thriving pharmacy, providing essential medicines to those in need. Despite facing stiff competition from fellow traders in the same field, John finds immense satisfaction in offering vital healthcare services to his community.

In his pursuit of expanding his business and better serving his customers, John seeks a loan. This financial assistance will be instrumental in procuring additional stock for his pharmacy, ensuring a wider range of medicines is available to meet the diverse needs of his clientele. With the loan, John aims to tackle the challenges posed by his competitors head-on, solidifying his position in the market and fostering sustainable growth for his enterprise.

The anticipated profits from the bolstered business operations will not only help John sustain his livelihood but also enable him to fulfill essential family needs. From supporting his spouse to covering everyday expenses, John is determined to utilize the loan effectively, ensuring both his business and his family thrive. By investing in John's venture, lenders have the opportunity to empower a dedicated entrepreneur, strengthen local healthcare access, and make a meaningful impact in the community of Ruiru.

This loan is special because:

It gives financial access to low income micro-entrepreneurs.

Loan details

Lenders and lending teams

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