A loan helped to buy building supplies and pay school fees.

Madelen's story

Madelen is forty-five years old and the mother of two, ages nine and eight. She is married and resides with her family in a remote community, which is roughly fifteen minutes from town. Her husband is employed and both of her children attend school. She sells her fresh garden harvest at the local market to earn a living.

She motivated herself to start her business, with the goal to build a permanent home for her family. Her dream is to launch a new business for her children. Her current objective is to purchase building materials to renovate her home. In addition, she intends to pay her children's school fees. However, she is financially strained.

Madelen is requesting a loan to purchase building supplies and to pay school fees. The income from her business will be used to pay for household needs and save for future investments.

Thank you for supporting Madelen!

This loan is special because:

It provides women with credit in a country where alternative financing is extremely scarce.

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