A loan helped a member to buy beverages, breads, fruits, canned goods, meat, dairy products and other products.

Perpetuo Socorro Group's story

This is the Perpetuo Socorro Group and all the members help each other to set goals to grow, not only economically but also individually so they can continue to help their families.

One of them is Sonia Raquel, a hardworking person who strives to continue to support her family so they have all they need.

She says she is a merchant and has a store where she works every day starting early in the morning. She offers her customers all kinds of quality, well-priced products.

She says that through her work she helps maintain her household and family, and she wants to continue doing it so she makes every effort to do this.

She is applying for this loan to buy products to sell in her store such as beverages, breads, fruits, canned goods, meat, dairy products and other goods to sell.

Note: The little boy in the photo is the son of one of the group members.

In this group: Silvina Graciela, Avelina, Amelia, Gloria, Fabiana Jazmin, Elva, Marina Ramona, Rocio Elizabeth, Rosa Florentina, Tomasa, Demetria, Cornelia, Sandra Esther, Bernarda, Sonia Raquel, Marian Monserrath, Mirian, Estanislaa, Clara Margarita, Ersilia, Francisca, Corina, Maria Silvina, Blanca Mercedes, Liliana Concepcion, Emilce

Translator profile picture

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Sherry Bess.

This loan is special because:

It includes a basic health insurance plan.

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