- Barbara Winamac, IN, United States
- Rob Albuquerque, NM, United States
- Arthur Taiwan
- James
- Radomir Rijeka, Croatia
- Patrick United States
Mariela Annabelle is 33 years old, married, and has 2 children, ages 14 and 10. They are in the tenth and seventh year of basic education. Her spouse is a driver. They live in Montecristi, a place known for its very varied crafts, well-known in the whole country.
She is a determined woman who seeks the way to earn her resources and, with them, to help her spouse get their household ahead. She works raising pigs, an activity which allows her to earn her resources and, with them, to get her family ahead.
But, at certain times, things become difficult. This is the case now, as her children are about to start a new school year. They study at a school and need new uniforms, books, and other school supplies with which they can acquire the necessary knowledge to continue with their education.
This loan is to purchase uniforms, books, notebooks, folders, paper, and school supplies.

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Wendy H. View original language description.