A loan helped a member to buy one display case, one display stand, coffee, sugar, and milk.

Jehova Es Mi Pastor Y Proveedor Group's story

From Leon, Nicaragua, meet the community association Jehovah Es Mi Pastor y Proveedor, made up of eight clients characterized by their good payment behavior. The predominant businesses are: sale of clothes, coffee shop, photographer, convenience store, and food sales.

Maria de Los Angeles (wearing orange shirt, black jeans), is 25 years old and considers herself a responsible and hardworking person. She is single and eight people live in her house. Her business is a coffee shop which she has been running for five years. What she likes about her business is that she manages it. The challenges she has faced with her business are low sales.

She will use the loan to buy a display case, a display stand, coffee, sugar, and milk. Her dreams and hopes for the future are to move forward with her business. She advises women who take the risk of opening their business to take advantage of Pro-Mujer's help with loans.

She counts on you to continue progressing with her family!

In this group: Yessania Zarai , Daymara Mercedes , Danilo Jose , Luis Manuel , Maria De Los Angeles , Marcia Maria , Ilka Judith Irene , Claudia Maxima

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Robert Rutledge.

This loan is special because:

It empowers women through community support and financial training.

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