A loan helped a member to purchase meats, grains, vegetables, seasonings, flour, and fruit.

G.s La Presa Vieja 1 Group's story

Iris Vanessa is 27 years old, in a common-law marriage, has one child, and lives with her family in the municipality of Puerto Cortes, in the department of Cortes. She has been working selling food such as lunches, breakfasts, and dinners for over 6 years. She makes the sales at her own house. Previously, she was a student.

She is asking ODEF for a loan as part of a group, for the amount of 48,000, which she plans to invest in the purchase of meats, grains, vegetables, seasonings, flour, and fruit.

This loan will help her improve her sales as she will have a better assortment with a variety of dishes to satisfy her customers. Her goal is to have a retail space selling food.

The group named La Presa Vieja 1 solidarity group is formed by 3 members who live in the same community. In the the photo they are (from left to right) Iris, Eleticia and Sindy.

In this group: Sindy Arely, Eleticia, Iris Vanessa

Translator profile picture

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Wendy H.

This loan is special because:

It is accompanied by financial education and provides borrowers access to a savings account.

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