A loan helped to buy school supplies and pay tuition for her children in school.

Liên's story

Mrs. Liên, aged 45, is a married woman with three children aged 18, 16, and 7, all of whom are currently attending school. The family resides in a coastal area in Quang Xuong district.

While her husband relies on fishing for a fluctuating income, she operates a small-scale business selling rice and agricultural products, earning just enough to get by.

Facing financial constraints, she struggles to afford school supplies and tuition fees for her three children. To address this challenge, she has decided to ask for this 12th loan from Thanh Hoa MFI. Her primary aim is to ensure that her children receive a quality education, hoping it will lead to stable and prosperous futures for them.

Living in a region where economic opportunities are limited, she understands the importance of education in breaking the cycle of poverty.

This loan is special because:

It provides children from low-income families with greater access to education.

Loan details

Lenders and lending teams

Loan details