A loan helped to take the type E license course to learn the guidelines on how to drive her vehicle and transport her tools.

Rosa Estatilia's story

Rosa, 49, is single and has children. She lives in Atacames, a tourist town like Salinas and Jama.

Rosa is a hardworking woman who constantly thinks of how to improve her financial situation. Five years ago, she started a business cleaning hotels and hostels in Atacames, a business that has allowed her to generate the income needed to help support her family.

Rosa is requesting a loan to take the type E license course to learn the guidelines on how to drive her vehicle and transport her tools and cleaning supplies, offer a more efficient service, and stabilize her business so she can increase her income.

Rosa is excited about this loan and wants to make a good impression on the institution that will give her financial support.

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Liliana S.

This loan is special because:

It focuses on the poorest one-fifth of the population with no access to financial services.

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