A loan helped a member to purchase chicken, corn, and firewood.

Mujeres Virtuosas Group's story

In Guatemala, the tortillas are not only delicious and doughy, but also are often the only source of food for many families. Due to this demand, Francisca (30 years old) has sold tortillas for four years. Francisca also sells chicken live and by the pound. Thanks to these businesses, Francisca and her spouse, who does chainsaw jobs, are supporting the education of their three children (ages 6 to 11), who are students from kindergarten to primary school.

This first Kiva loan will support her to purchase more chicken, corn, and firewood. As a goal, Francisca wants to include a new product which is the sale of chicken sandwiches. She is sure to be able to meet her goal.

Mujeres Virtuosas is the name of this Friendship Bridge communal bank, in which Francisca serves as the secretary. They are seven Spanish-speaking women who live in the department (state) of Suchitepéquez. Monthly, they have discussions which are very important for them about the topics of business management, health, family, and empowerment. They benefit broadly because they are acquiring tools, knowledge, and skills to continue improving their life habits. They are tended by a nurse bimonthly who provides a series of women's exams. This is thanks to the "plus" of the Microcrédito Plus program which combines loans, education, and health.

Kiva lenders, thank you for supporting Guatemalan women!

In this group: Maria Antonia Merida , Jeneafer Andrea , Juana , Francisca Maria , Catarina , Lucrecia , Roselia

Translator profile picture

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Wendy H.

This loan is special because:

Clients receive in-depth trainings on business, health, over-indebtedness, and self-esteem.

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