A loan helped to buy pigs, pig feed, and some agricultural inputs.

Karen Lisbeth's story

This is Karen, a 20-year-old girl from the Chirinche Bajo communityu. She is a simple, hard-working, and responsible person. She has a son who is one year and eight months old. Karen has just a primary education. She lives with her mother in a one-story house with a tile roof that her grandparents inherited.

This young mother depends on her work in the fields to generate a living. Karen practices agriculture and raising small animals. Among the animals she raises are pigs. Her goal is to have a greater number of pigs with a fattening time of two months to be able to see profits in less time.

She is requesting a loan to buy pigs, pig feed, and some agricultural inputs to maintain her crops. With this investment, she will be able to boost two of her agricultural activities with which she generates a livelihood for herself and her young son. Karen wants to continue growing her agricultural work and by being able to generate good living conditions for the good growth of her son.

Solicita un préstamo para comprar cerdos, alimento porcino y algunos insumos agrícolas para dar manteniendo a sus cultivos. Con esta inversión podrá dar impulso a dos de sus actividades agrícolas con las cuales genera el sustento para ella y su pequeño hijo. Karen quiere seguir creciendo su trabajo agrícola y mediante el poder generar buenas condiciones de vida para el buen crecimiento de su hijo.

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Emily Dungan.

This loan is special because:

It aims to reach vulnerable refugee populations in an isolated region.

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