A loan helped to purchase heifers to increase the size of her herd.

Zhanylai's story

This lovely woman is Zhanylai. She is thirty-one years old. She is married and is raising three children. She has secondary education. By character she is a good and compassionate woman. As the primary source of income for her family, she has been trading at the market and additionally farming livestock since 2006. Thanks to her hard work and her spouse's help with the farm, today her farm has six horses and twenty sheep. Her property has all the conditions for keeping cattle. The region where Zhanylai lives is ideal for raising cattle. Each summer they send the cattle out to green pastures. With the goal of further developing her farm Zhanylai is asking for support from Kiva in the amount of 300,000 Kyrgyzstan Soms in order to buy heifers and increase the size of her herd. This will of course help increase the farm's productivity and therefore her income. Zhanylai is hoping to achieve a good result and create a better life for her family.

Translated from Russian by Kiva volunteer Julia Warner.

This loan is special because:

The borrower receives a lower interest rate to fund their agriculture activities.

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