Lorena Elizabett is 35 years old. She enjoys the company of her partner and her two children. She also has family abroad. She earns a living selling fruit and vegetables in the community. It is a labor that provides the income needed to cover her economic obligations. However her dream is to improve the stability of her business. For this reason she has decided to request a loan to acquire material that will allow her to optimize her business and obtain greater income.
Lorena is part of the "El Rosal" communal bank together with Gabriela and Lilian. These three women are responsible and committed and share the same objective of progressing and getting ahead. They work as a team and provide mutual support to achieve success with their individual undertakings.
In this group: Gabriela Marisol, Lorena Elizabett, Lilian Elizabeth
Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer leonardo. View original language description.