A loan helped a member to buy an oven.

Bo Los Vecinos Atr Group's story

The Bo Los Vecinos Atr Group, as part of the Bonanza agency, is composed of eight members. The group members are acquaintances from the neighborhood where they live. The group is led by a board of directors where Shirley Nicoln is the president.

Shirley Nicoln is 29 years old and in a relationship, with two children. Currently she works making and selling bread which she makes in her home. The loan that she is taking now will be used to buy an oven. Her aspiration with the business is to grow her current enterprise (have her own bakery) to improve her finances. Her aspiration in life is to progress in order to remodel her house, which she inherited from her father. Shirley Nicoln hopes to keep counting on her lending group.

In this group: Dora, Jaday Shirley, Naida Regina, Saul, Jose David, Shirley Nicoln, Elisa, Trinidad Jimena

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Julie Arenson.

This loan is special because:

It provides low-income, micro entrepreneurs with loans to increase their income.

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