A loan helped a VA based single mom of 4 create a TV Network.

Penny's story

“A true leader inspires others,” (Pastor Tom McGuinness, 1997). Humanity is experiencing a higher level of volatility in the world today. Globally, people are facing job loss, homelessness, recession, health issues with lack of insurance coverage, wars, catastrophic weather conditions, heartbreak, and overall spiritual confusion at a level never seen in our lifetimes. Billions of people are seeking peace, truth, inspiration, stability, and a reason to live. The world needs inspiration in this hour. While there are matters out of our personal control, we can control in this hour how we perceive our life circumstances as human beings. It is my passion and my calling to inspire others to control their perceptions and to improve their quality of life through that inspiration. LRBG TV Networks, LLC’s perspective is that the only kind of courage that matters is the kind that gets you from one moment to the next. Daily inspiration does that for people and that is what we seek to provide from our content to the commercials we air on our networks. My name is Penny Kassay Asencio, and I am the founding member of LRBG TV Networks, LLC. I have spent the past thirty years as a single mother of four children. At this time in my life, I still face daily challenges like the audience we intend to serve. I chose not to spend my days angry, worried, and stressed over how to provide for my children in the short and long term. Instead, I channeled this energy through my Christian faith and my understanding that I have the talent and experience to move forward and build business ventures that will enable me to not only provide for my children’s future while influencing the lives of other people worldwide no matter what faith they practice, who they identify as, and what cultural background they come from. My inspirational mindset enables me personally to have joy and peace as I move through my days. I have hope and I am appreciative of the things and people I have in my life. Added to this the satisfaction I gain from helping others find peace in times of hardship motivates me to reach out to broad populations of people that need to hear words of encouragement—they need inspiration. LRBG TV Networks, LLC seeks to provide that inspiration and the knowledge that they are not alone in this world. Our goal is to demonstrate to the world there are healthy ways to face life’s challenges without worry or fear. So, it is from my own life experience and bearing witness to the transformation of people’s lives through inspirational encouragement that I want to bring forth the LRBG channel through LRBG TV Networks, LLC. I am an overcomer and I want to share with others how I overcame, and encourage them that they can overcome every challenge they face as well.

This loan is special because:

It supports a small business owner with 0%-interest, zero-fee capital.

Loan details


Industry: Entertainment
Years in operation: 6 months - 1 year


Lenders and lending teams

Loan details