A loan of $6,500 helps a member to buy a variety of children's clothing to sell.

02 Lumbreras Group's story

Reveca, age 34, became the mother of two daughters when she was very young. She fights every day to give them the best. She lives with her mother and her husband. She works selling children's clothing, going to all the fairs. At times, she has difficulties from not having a fixed location to sell. Her dream is to able to have her own stand. Another of her goals is to continue her studies and and get ahead, to be an example for her daughters.

The loan that she requests is is to increase capital and to be able to buy a variety of children's clothing.

In this group: Niver Abdon, Anaelise Pamela, Reveca Sharai, Camila, Richard, Juani Yobana, Roxana, Luis Fernando, Karina

Translator profile picture

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Joann S.

This loan is special because:

It provides low-income, micro entrepreneurs with loans to increase their income.

Sebastian, Kiva staff

Kiva staff

Loan details

Lenders and lending teams

Repayment schedule

Loan details

Repayment schedule