A loan helped to purchase two calves, a heifer, and sacks of salt.

Maria Marlene's story

This is María. She is 49 years old and lives with her spouse and child in the community of La Estrellita in the parish of Julio Andrade. She has owns a house thanks to the combined effort of her and her spouse in the agricultural labor they do day after day to get income with which to sustain their humble household.

María's primary source of income is buying and selling beef cattle, although she also has some dairy cows with which she makes the most of selling the milk at a good price. She dreams of increasing her both her beef and dairy cattle.

She expects to achieve this thanks to a new loan which she seeks from Kiva. At this time, she plans to purchase two calves, a heifer, and sacks of salt to increase the milk production and sell the calves at a good price after two months of raising them, managing to improve her family's income.

Her goal is to give her child a good education and leave a legacy of honest and arduous work for when her child is an adult.

Translator profile picture

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Wendy H.

This loan is special because:

It aims to reach vulnerable refugee populations in an isolated region.

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