A loan helped to buy duck food.

Tuon's story

Mrs. Tuon P. was born in 1970 and is married to Mr. Deal Kos. They live in Svay Sar village in Takeo province. She is a farmer who owns a 1.5-hectare plot of land where she can grow rice to sell to support her family. Her husband is a duck breeder who is able to earn some money by selling duck eggs. Since her husband’s business is getting on well, she wants to expand. Mrs. Tuon P. is, therefore, seeking a loan to buy duck food. With the rest of the loan she is going to buy net to build a duck house.

She is the mother of six children, four of whom are students, one is a seamstress in a garment factory and the other is a barber. Her husband is in the photo with her.

Loan details

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