A loan helped to buy fertilizer, gasoline, and pesticide.

Khuon's story

Mrs. Khuon K., who lives in Pongro village in TaK. province, was born in 1986. She is a farmer who owns a 3-hectare plot of land where she can grow rice to sell to support her family. The rice field has infertile soil, is far away from the irrigation system, and has a lot of insects, so she needs some money to improve production. Mrs. Khuon K. is applying for a loan to buy fertilizer, gasoline and pesticide.

Her husband, Mr. Sok Horn, owns a plowing machine to hire out to farmers to earn some money to support his family, and he is a fisherman, too. This couple supports a child who is too small to work or study. Her husband is presented in the photo with her.

Loan details

Lenders and lending teams

Loan details