A loan helped a member to strengthen her merchandise stocks.

Gpf Djiwakene Tilene Group's story

46-year-old Madame Josiane, with her hand raised in the photo, is the representative of the group. She is divorced and the mother of 3 children, 1 of whom is a boy.
She sells local fruit juice. She also sells couscous. She has several years of experience. She buys her raw materials from the largest market in her locality. Her clientele is made up of people from her neighborhood but also those from the surrounding markets.
The profits will be used to pay for food, schooling and health for her children.

In this group: Awa, Albertine, Henriette, Paulette, Jeannette Valentine , Josiane Shirley, Judith Amandine, Delphine, Louise Sylvie Ghaga

Translated from French.

This loan is special because:

It empowers women in rural and suburban Senegal.

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