This group is named San Miguel. All the members have set a goal to be able to grow not only economically but also as people so they can offer their families all they need for a dignified living with all they need.
Silvia Mabel is part of this group. She earns a living selling eggs from her house which she accessed through the micro franchises the Foundation offers as business ideas for the women of the committees.
She is a hard-working person with the desire to be able to improve. She is participating actively in the group so she can make the most of the opportunities the Foundation provides to access the training and verifications they offer.
She mentions that she is married and with her husband they make great efforts to get ahead and be able to provide their four children a better quality of living.
Silvia Mabel is requesting this loan to buy an egg micro franchise so she can continue with her sales as she has been doing.
In this group: Silvia Mabel, Lorena Noemi, Maria Del Carmen, Luz Maria, Petrona, Liliana, Marina Griselda, Liz Mariela, Angelica Beatriz, Sandra Elizabet, Angelina, Idalina Concepcion, Maria Gricelda, Carmen, Franci Carolina, Patricia, Sulma Yolanda, Sirley Damaris, Lourdes Soledad, Maria Rosana, Lorena Elizabet, Mercedes Natividad, Maria Stela, Yesica Belen
Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer leonardo. View original language description.