A loan helped to buy an industrial edger and cedar wood for his business.

Melvin Rene's story

He lives in Aldea el Obraje with his family. His main source of income has been carpentry for 25 years, where he makes all types of wooden furniture such as doors, wardrobes, kitchen furniture, etc. He is recognized in the area for the work he has done, because he does it with care and dedication.

He is also very responsible with financial commitments.

He requests a loan to buy an industrial edger and cedar wood in order to increase the inventory and expand his orders to generate greater profits.

His dream is to expand his business, generate a good income and ensure that his family does not lack anything.

He appreciates the support received.

April, 2024.

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer E. Power.

This loan is special because:

It provides credit to some of the most isolated communities in Honduras.

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