A loan helped to increase production capacity and secure consistent weaving work.

Udom's story

Udom's path reflects the endurance of his Mlabri heritage, deeply intertwined with the struggle of his mother, Sukanya, who was born when their tribe still roamed the jungles, living off the land. However, as deforestation encroached, their traditional way of life eroded, leaving his mother to fend for her six children alone while toiling as a laborer. Udom, influenced by his mother's resilience, pursued education, mastering the Thai language while preserving Mlabri traditions.

Although initially drawn to independent farming, Udom recognized the stability offered by artisan weaving, a craft his mother practiced. Now, as he raises his young children with his wife, Udom is determined to provide a secure future for his family.

Through his previous Kiva loan, Udom grew his hammock business and used profits to improve their home, enhancing their living conditions. With this loan, he plans to invest in materials to expand his business further and secure their financial stability. This step is pivotal in his journey toward building a nest egg and realizing their aspirations.

This loan is special because:

It creates employment opportunities for vulnerable populations living in remote rural areas.

Loan details

Lenders and lending teams

Loan details