A loan helped to buy sugar, rice, oil, dairy products, soap, paper, bread, cookies, and other merchandise.

Santa Gladis's story

Santa is requesting another loan because she wants to buy basic necessity products for her store such as sugar, rice, oil, dairy products, soap, paper, bread, cookies, and other merchandise. This will help increase her inventory so that she can generate more income. As a result, she can continue improving her family’s living conditions.

Santa says that the previous loan she received was a great help. She was able to invest in her store by purchasing products that met the needs of her customers, which led to good profits. Since the previous loan, her family has remained the same. Santa says that she felt a bit unwell, but the treatment she was given improved her condition.

Translator profile picture

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Ronan Reodica.

This loan is special because:

It includes access to savings accounts.

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