A loan helped to buy pork rinds, eggs, disposable aluminum containers, cassava, cheeses, fish, corn, plantains, cassava flour, and other supplies.

Mireya Monserrate's story

Mireya Monserrate and her family live in Santana, which is located in a beautiful valley where agriculture is the primary industry. The local cuisine consists of a variety of dishes made from peanuts. There are also freshwater springs.

Mireya Monserrate and her family prepare cassava bread, fish fritters, corn tortillas, cassava tortillas, plantain cakes with fish, pork, pork rinds, and corn cakes with cheese. They prepare food once a week and sell the dishes in the afternoon until they run out. Their customers can also place orders over the Internet and through WhatsApp for home delivery. On other occasions, they will ship food to other cities for a surcharge.

This loan will be used to buy pork rinds, eggs, disposable aluminum containers, cassava, cheeses, fish, corn, plantains, cassava flour, and other supplies.

Translator profile picture

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Ronan Reodica.

This loan is special because:

It is accompanied by useful, real-life business training.

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