A loan helped additional working capital.

Angelita's story

Angelita is a married woman who lives in Escalante City, Negros Occidental. She earns her living by operating a dried fish vending business and a sari-sari (general) store. Her husband Gregorio, who is 60 years old, helps in his wife's business activities. They have seven children who are 13 to 19 years old. Angelita joined NWTF-Project Dungganon in 1995 because she aspired for something better for her family. With the help of her past 17 loans from NWTF-Project Dungganon, Angelita has been incrementally lifting her family out of poverty by the sweat of her brow. Her previous loan of PHP 17,000 helped her earn a monthly profit of PHP 10,000, thus uplifting the family's standard of living. This time, for her 18th cycle loan, she is borrowing PHP 17,000 which she intends to use as additional working capital so that she can continue to save up for the future education of their children. Angelita is a Dungganon woman who is following an honorable path toward the achievement of her dreams.

About NWTF: In a world full of challenges, Negros Women for Tomorrow Foundation (NWTF) is making a difference in the lives of thousands of women through Project Dungganon (a Hiligaynon word that means Honorable). Through the alleviation program, NWTF is empowering these women to progress from earning less than $1 a day to achieving realities that surpass even their dreams. They have taken a life path that will ultimately make them Dungganon - a title of esteem that is bestowed upon a member of a community who has earned the respect through a lifetime of hard and honest work. Help NWTF continue its mission to help the poorest in the Philippines by joining the NWTF Kiva lending team at http://www.kiva.org

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