A loan helped a member to buy plants, planters, and other products for sale.

Maria Auxiliadora Group's story

The group called Maria Auxiliadora was formed by friends and neighbors who help each other with everything they can in order to give their families better living conditions and so that they aren't lacking for anything.
One of them is Ysabelina, who is married and a mother. She says that her son is her primary motivation for working hard, so she will be able to give him a better future and so that he will be a person of means in days to come.
She has a small store where she works with her husband selling plants; in this way, they're able to help each other achieve their goals as a family unit.
Ysabelina is asking for this loan to buy plants, planters, and other materials in order to continue with her work.

In this group: Ysabelina, Daniela, Luz Maricel, Marta Lucila, Herminia, Laura Rosana, Severiana, Juliana, Maria Lilian, Maribel, Karina, Teresa, Pabla Carmen, Lucia, Juana, Gloria

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Tricia Perry.

This loan is special because:

It includes a basic health insurance plan.

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