A loan helped a member to buy rice, cookies, noodles, and flour.

Virgen Del Carmen De Arin Group's story

The borrowers belong to the communal bank "Virgen del Carmen de Arin", located in the district of Calca, province of Calca, and state of Cusco.

Tomasa is a hardworking woman, dedicated to her grocery store. She sells all types of staple goods. She is 47 years old and has two children, and so she gets ahead and wants to expand her business. She requests this loan to buy rice, cookies, noodles, and flour.

The borrowers are grateful to the Kiva lenders for trusting in them and their efforts.

In this group: Higidia, Tomasa, Delfina, Marina, Aurelia, Yusely Anthuane, Demetrio Abel, Rene, Crhistian, Fiorella, Luisa, Dany

Translator profile picture

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Joann S.

This loan is special because:

It reaches borrowers in underserved and disadvantaged areas in Peru.

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