A loan helped to buy pigs, formulated animal feed, vitamins and delouser.

Rosa Maribel's story

Rosa is a selfless mother who strives to bring up her children who already go to school. She lives in a borrowed house located in the rural Ingueza area.
Rosa has been rearing pigs for five years. The first two loans from she had from Banco Vision Fund Ecuador helped her improve her pigsties and increase her herd of pigs. She wants to continue growing her business as it’s a job that allows her to earn an income complementing what she earns working as a day labourer which is an otherwise unstable job that doesn’t guarantee a fixed income.
Rosa is asking for a new loan to buy more pigs and feed for her herd so they can grow quickly and be sold on. This proud mother wants her own home so she can give her children the necessary standard of living for them to grow up safely and happily.

Translator profile picture

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Simon Robinson.

This loan is special because:

It aims to reach vulnerable refugee populations in an isolated region.

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